Mr. Rajiv N. Shrivastva graduated with a Gold Medal from the Indian School of Mines in 1973. He joined the steel industry more than 40 years ago, and he has been in the GCC for more than 35 years. Rajiv N. Shrivastva founded the Rocmet Corporation Group in 2005 and his vision is the main driver of the organization…Click here to see Full Experience

Mr. Viraj N. Shrivastva completed his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Tufts University, United States. He has taken on the role of the Head of Operations at Rocmet Corporation since 2009. Since the start of his tenure at Rocmet Corporation, Mr. Viraj Shrivastva has helped streamline the production process, which has ultimately quadrupled production capacity over the last few years.
Mr. Viraj Shrivastva has also implemented the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system in the factory, which has also helped bolster efficiency levels.

Sajiv Shrivastva has a B.S from Carnegie Mellon University in Information Systems. Sajiv has spent the last 10 years in the banking industry working for JP Morgan and most recently as a Senior Manager at Morgan Stanley as a Valuation Risk Manager heading up the Structured and Liquid Rates practice areas for Asia.
Sajiv brings in a wealth of experience into Rocmet including financial acumen, risk management and general management. Sajiv is currently based in Hong Kong expanding Rocmet’s capabilities into Greater China. His current focus is supplying Desert Beige Marble to developers and architects globally. He is also developing new and innovative marble products into the GCC area like our new Casa D’Italia Marble Studio product line.